the website of
Alexander, Rianne, Sacha and Dominic van den Dobbelsteen
With this website we want to share some information about our live.
When we first met, we both studied in Amsterdam. Within less than a year we went to live together in Amstelhoek, a little place south of Amsterdam.
Amstelhoek is the place where we first live.
We bought a house there and completely renovated this.
Then in the year 2000 we got married and went on a beautiful honeymoon to Australia.
In June 2001 we have got a daughter Sacha and in October 2003 we have got a son Dominic.
In april 2005 we moved to another house in Uithoorn, because we sold our house in Amstelhoek and have to go away.
In November 2005 we moved to our new house in Utrecht.
Enjoy our photo´s by navigating through the menu left and on top of the screen.
In the chapter "NEWS" you find the latest news about us.